Saturday, January 20, 2007


Coaching and Master Planning Products
Offered by

Dr. Charlie Self
Phone: (408) 307-1339

Please note: All facets of my Coaching and Master Planning assistance are tailored to the unique needs of the individual or organization. Listed below is a summary of the types of experiences available. Please call or email to schedule an initial complimentary consultation.

Coaching Services: The focus here is one personal and vocational excellence, with the aim of creating personal and family plans that are ambitious and doable.

Coaching services consist of
· Bi-weekly or Monthly Consults – 90 minutes
· Half-day Intensives
· Free phone or email access and dialogue

Master Planning:

The Executive Briefing: 90 minutes of high-level clarity

The Envisioning Event: a three-hour empowering event in which Purpose, Vision, Mission, Values and Strategic Goals are Clarified, Discovered and/or Refined

The Advance: 1-2 days with core leadership, further advancing the Mission and establishing The Scorecard of Success for the organization

I look forward to serving you!

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