I am a historian. There is a simple explanation for this insanity. Yes, it is insanity when the tradition of a vast majority of Americans is relegated to obscurity while the faith of many of our enemies is given special attention.
Here is the problem: The protestors of 1968 are the "activists" of 2008; however, they are stuck in an ideological and moral time warp. They are still fighting what they see as the dominant "White-Patriarchal-Judeo-Christian-Traditional-Values-Colonialist-America-First" culture. All these hyphens are needed because the enemy list is so vast!
The deep self-hatred for all things traditional and Western is acute among these "Well-Educated-Mostly-White-Academic-Public Service [What - get a real job and support capitalism?)-One-World-Global (unless you hate the WTO)-Elites."
Radical Islam wants to reify the 13th century and there is nary a cry of protest from this quarter. "It is because of poverty - and that is our fault!" they cry. Nonsense. There is enough oil money in the Islamic nations to feed everyone and to stimulate new economies.
Al Gore makes over $100 Million from peddling fear and he is rewarded with a Nobel Peace Prize and acclaim from jet-setters who have a Prius tucked away for public appearances.
The nine Congresspersons who refused to affirm that Christians are persecuted and that Christianity is a faith honored by millions are part of this group still fighting the 1950s. They should be leading our fight against terror, the real fight for the environment (sound planning and wise preservation) and the wars on AIDS, poverty and slavery.
The answer to such insanity is clear, honest thinking rooted in history and hope. Narcissism and nostalgia are the twin enemies of honest assessment and hopeful aspiration. The Insane/Self-Destructive Elites need to ponder the economic engine that drives their Vespas. They need to think about where freedom is found and rediscover that freedom means responsibility and virtue and sometimes fewer choices, not endless navel-gazing about identity.
Conservatives need to end all self-delusion about any halcyon days of yesteryear and allow deep-rooted values to propel us toward a more free and just society.
It was not ethnic or gender politics that brought Civil Rights to millions in 1965 - it was universal, Judeo-Christian principles (with some Ghandian pragmatism included!) that shaped the Rev. Dr. MLK's great assertion that we are assessed not by the color of our skin, but the content of our character.
It was not "redefining-the-family-sexualization politics" that saw our nation through a Depression, World War and the rebuilding of Europe and Japan. It was millions of hard-working people learning (sometimes the hard way) to live with their differences while making a difference!
Islam will not promote any peace except that of submission (coerced or voluntary; immediate or long-term) to its dominance. Yes, there were moments of cultural flourishing and toleration in parts of Spain and the Middle East centuries ago; however, the contemporary Muslim voices for pluralism are few and persecuted.
Where did sanity go? It was sown to the wind of self-indulgence and we are reaping the whirlwind of self-destruction.
Is there hope? Absolutely! The hope lies in moral and spiritual renewal that affirms timeless truth while creating timely solutions. A non-polluting car is near - if free markets will partner with public good. Sustainable ecosystems are possible, if we get past the unproductive polemics. AIDS can be conquered - with medical care and moral responsibility.
Forty years ago I was a fifth-grader fascinated by the Presidential race between Humphrey, Nixon and Wallace, scared of the violence in Chicago, saddened by the Vietnam War, but hopeful about the future. I am still saddened by our current challenges and I am still hopeful - if we get off the lemming-style pathway of hatred and choose the road of responsive love.